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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Status Bahan Organik

Bahan organik tanah berkolerasi positif dengan efisiensi penggunaan pupuk dan merupakan sumber semua unsur hara penting bagi tanaman, dapat meningkatkan nilai kapasitas tukar kation tanah karena zarah organik bermuatan negatif dan mempunyai luas permukaan sangat besar, sehingga akan mengurangi pencucian hara. Disamping itu bahan organik tanah, dapat mempertinggi kapasitas memegang air sehingga mampu menahan kelembaban lebih tinggi. Dengan demikian unsur-unsur hara akan lebih tersedia untuk penggunaan yang lebih lama. Jadi peranan bahan organik sebagai penyangga (buffer)  terhadap pupuk dan unsur-unsur racun menjadi sangat penting.
Ketersediaan fosfat (P) sebagai hasil dari pertukaran ion P dari Fe dan Al fosfat dengan asam humate dan fulvate yang membentuk chelate dengan Fe dan Al akan makin tinggi dengan makin tingginya bahan organik tanah. Keadaan tersebut akan mereduksi/mengurangi fiksasi fosfat., mengurangi Mn menjadi bentuk Mn yang tersedia. Dengan adanya bahan organik yang cukup, daya fiksasi tanah Andisol terhadap P dapat diperkecil, sehingga produksi pucuk diharapkan naik. Bahan organik tanah merupakan suatu indeks ketersediaan N setelah mineralisasi karena juga merupakan sumber amonium (NH4+) dan nitrat (NO3-) sebagai nutrisi tanaman. Dengan demikian tingkat ketersediaan bahan  organik tanah membantu mengatur ketersediaan pupuk N, dan membantu meningkatkan efisiensi dari penggunaan pupuk N. Standar baku nilai kandungan bahan organik di dataran tinggi harus lebih tinggi daripada dataran rendah, karena adanya proses dekomposisi bahan organik di dataran rendah lebih cepat daripada di dataran tinggi. Hal ini disebabkan dekomposisi bahan mentah lebih mudah pada suhu yang lebih tinggi dan suhu rata-rata dataran rendah umumnya lebih tinggi daripada dataran tinggi.
Pada tanah Andisol umumnya berkadar bahan organik tinggi, tetapi karena letak penyebarannya dan adanya senyawa kompleks antara lempung alofan dan bahan organik (organo metallic complexes) yang tahan terhadap penguraian jasad renik, maka bahan organik akan cenderung tertimbun daripada terurai.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Keep Up the Hot and Loving Relationships Forever

Lovers, Married couples and marrying persons, this is a beautiful article for all of you which reveal the secrets on how to maintain the hot and loving relationships with your partner after the marriage. Now when you are or planning to be tied in the most holy knot and relationship for a lifelong time you have to keep in mind certain things that add the joy in this beautiful relation forever and ever. Marriage is a beautiful and holy relationship which starts with a most beautiful and a totally new journey of your life.
Now this is the time you want to celebrate your newly wedded relations to the highest extent you can. You enjoy together on bed, you walk together on road and you bathe together, etc… You also want to add some spices to your love life so that you don’t have to see any times of sad marriage. You should have to keep living in this hot married life forever. The passion inside you will get over soon and you have to only remember those past days and leave behind those moments in your thoughts, which you enjoyed with your partner before. It’s normal for passion to die but many wonder that if it’s possible to rekindle this passion again.
The life starts with the so-hot beginning and regularly seems to cool down year after year. Couples seem to find it hard to come up with their married life after some time. But if you think a bit and realize the fact that love making is not only coming closer on bed. The love life which you think should not be as you think and feel of. It can be far much better if you think just beyond the love making. Women if knows about the perfect ways of attracting her husband on bed and husbands if knows the proper ways on how to please their woman, can be very positive for these married couples and helps them out to keep up the hot and loving marriage relationship forever and ever. 
So it is great to know for you that if you want to live a happy, lovely and loving marriage life which will keep you and your partner hot forever you should make up your mind to live happy and then you should keep the fear away from you that you cannot live this love life forever.

Healthy Food Recipes: Balanced Diet for Long Life

Modern era is signified by numerous pulls and pressures resulting in an unhealthy lifestyle for the users which is manifested in the form of different types of diseases. Healthy food recipes are secrets to the good and regulated life helping people to concentrate on their work and enhance productivity. Whey drink is the best medicine for individuals who want to shrug off extra fat to look healthy and cheerful. Ingredients such as whey and ginger juice are mixed in equal proportions to captivate the taste buds of the users because the overall delicacy would be amazingly wonderful.  It also forms a very important component of the healthy food recipes for kids, since they are entwined with the lime juice, considered to be an important source of Vitamin C. To enhance the taste buds of the palettes, one should use summer tomatoes dish as healthy food recipes for breakfast because of the nutritional value.
Onions are chopped into fine pieces and mashed along with 100gm of cheese to produce spectacular output since the flavor is bound to attraction of the diehard foodies.  With introductions of the Basmati rice, the taste of the delicacy undergoes radical change making it one of the most popular among people aspiring to lead a modern healthy life. Core of the tomato should be eliminated to make it softer and suitable for cooking.  Pulp along with the seed is scooped with exquisite finesse so that the resultant output provides a fantastic taste to the users. After the seeds are extracted, one must utilize the pulp and fill it with requisite mixture, thereby converting the food into a versatile cuisine.  Using the spoon, an individual can place the mixture on the plate for serving to the guests during party or other occasions.
One of the best Healthy Food Recipes for kids comprise of the cabbage roll which is very popular in the fast food joints located across the world.  Green vegetables provide a very high percentage of vitamins and minerals that are quite beneficial to the body parts for getting energy and improving the blood flow. As a part of the healthy food recipes, cabbage must be washed so that it is free from all the impurities and sprinkled with green chills for further cooking.  The entire mixture is kept into the microwave oven for few minutes so that it is cooked properly as per the desires and specifications of the users. Touted as one of the most healthy food recipes for breakfast, cabbage rolls could be easily prepared and carried in the Tiffin to offices and far off place while people are on the trip